

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Race to the Dog Food

Announcer: And their OFF! It seems Little M. has a head start as she chose to start the race while mom was FOLDING clothes.

Mom: little M. No No you can't eat dog food.

Little M.: DA DA DA DA (said in a very high pitch scream).

Announcer: This is a going to be a close one. Who will reach the dog food first. WHO WILL IT BE!

Announcer: Little M. has some dog food in her hand will it make it to her mouth. Oh foiled again! mom swooped in from outer field and stole the play!

This is what my life would be like if I had a sports caster narrate my life. Little M. has a new fascination with dog food. Sammies dog food happens to be in our loft area right where little M. plays most of the day. This has become very annoying for me needless to say. We are currently looking for a place to relocate the dog food but there is really no where to put it where sammy could get it and little M. can't. So for now Sammies dog food sits on top of his cage and he can eat when little M. is sleeping.


  1. Doh! The dog food races...they bring back such memories. Only the races with our children were between the cat food and the small ones. Why do they like to eat that stuff? Don't they know it tastes disgusting?

  2. Every kid has that fascination at some point of their lives. At least she is not a boy. Mine peed in the bowl. Funny how he could not make it in the the very large toilet but did not miss a drop in the dogs water.
