I don't know about you but me and my pediatrician don't always get along. I guess the reason why is because I call her for advice on a problem Malia is having that day and she decides to not call me back for 5 hours to 2 days you never know. So to solve this problem I left this headache behind and switched pediatricians.
We arrive at the new pediatricians office 15 min early to fill out paper work and then proceed to wait a half an hour for the doctor. Why do they tell you to come 15 min early if they aren't even going to see you until a half hour after your appointment time! So after the wait we finally saw the doctor. To my surprise even after the wait I LOVED THIS DOCTOR. I guess maybe it was because he answered my questions instead of telling me where to research it ( I am asking you as part of my research!).
So we went through all the normal checks height 25 inches., head 41 cm, and weight 12 pounds 9 ounces. That was only one more ounce then her four month check up! I started to panic. So now I have to go in and weigh her every two weeks to make sure she isn't losing weight. Usually after a doctors appointment I am calmer than when I came. Not so this time I start freaking out. I mean I don't understand why she is not gaining weight she eats so much every time I feed her.
Well I have come to this realization :
I mean lets think this out logically I am 5'2'' and Tyler is 5'6''. Tyler weighed 18 pounds at three and I was in toddler sizes for longer than I should have been. I have talked to so many moms that say that their kids stopped gaining weigh at one point or another. The doctors worried ran them through all of these tests and they just ended up being small kids.
The Question: My question to all of you is should I freak about Malia not gaining weight? Or is my realization logical?