

Monday, April 14, 2014

Welcome Back Traveler

Hello Blogging World

It has been along time since I have been here. Just to catch you up there are two little munchins in my life now. Part of the reason I took such a long long long hiatus is my little bundle of terror and joy H.  He is so adorable and mischievous all at the same time. H is now 17 months old and adorable. My little/big girl M is now 4 1/2!!! Holy cow that is old. Well I have been feeling the need to write for a while now. So So much that I will be writing about in the near future. I am just going to jump in today on some catching up.

M is now 4 1/2 and everything in her world is princess princess and more princess. I know every princess and how her hair is done, what color dress, and also what her song is. Every time we do Malias hair I ask her what she wants she tells me by saying what princess. Elsa means one braid in the back, Anna means two french braids, Cinderella means a bun, Brave (Meredith) means curls, and Rapunzel means a wrap french braid to one side.

She is so smart! We have decided to homeschool. I was homeschooled growing up and it seemed like such a natural decision for us. I love every minute that we spend doing school. I plan on writing a  whole post on our love of homeschooling and how we got started! For now just so you know we are homeschooling. I hope you dont think its so weird that you wont keep reading ;) lol.

H is amazing. I did not realize how much a little girl is born a girl and a little boy is a boy! Even as an infant he was a boy. He loves everything boy cars, tools, dirt, and EATING!  While M was a tiny little baby H is built like a football player. He loves to be ruff and tumble but also at the same time he loves to cuddle. Infact I had to take a 20 min break (at 12 am) to cuddle him because he was upset. You will learn more and more about this little guy over the next couple of weeks.

We are also in the middle of building a home! Hopefully we will move in the next couple of weeks. It has been crazy crazy busy!

Well keep looking forward to all of my future posts. I know I have been crazy lazy at this but I am going to start up again so be prepared.