

Friday, April 23, 2010

Attached At The Hip

As a mother you are always facing challenges. Once you solve one the next one starts to rear its head. My recent challenge happens to be one that I do not know what to do about.

The Challenge: Malia has started to attach to me and by attach I do not mean just crying when someone else is holding her. She will cry if I put her down or walk away from her. I love this time together and I love that she seems to know that I am her mommy. I just feel so bad for her. I can't imagine feeling that kind of anxiety all the time. I want her to be able to explore and have fun crawling around with out feeling alone and scared. I have tried almost everything to teach her that I am not leaving her and that it is ok that I am not holding her.

So If any of you have any advice I'd sure like some input on this one.


  1. WELCOME TO MY WORLD! I fond if I give Evie lots of attention for a day or two she gets better and is not as clingy. You're a great mommy, don't worry.

  2. I'm gonna sound like a mean mommy here, but bear with me. I learned that I had to put my kids down. I would get some toys or a book or whatever and put the toys around the child and sit near them, but not right next to them. Then I would over the course of a few days or so, gradually increase the distance between us. Eventually, I would be able to be in the kitchen while my child was in the family room, still within the sound of my voice, but not right in sight. Sometimes, kids are master manipulators and know how to get just what they want, and you have to let them cry it out. You'll figure it out, and do a great job trying. Good luck!

  3. I think for lots of anxieties - just realizing that nothing bad is going to happen is something that has to be experienced. You are away from her, she cries, and then nothing bad happens. Maybe she distracts herself with a toy, maybe she falls asleep - but she learns to self-soothe and "learns" that nothing bad happens and you return. I'm sure it's all easier said than done :)

    Stopping by to welcome you to SITS!

  4. I have the same problem! My baby cries from the time we get home until the time he goes to bed if I'm not holding him. I know he misses me because he hasn't seen me all day, but there's dinner to get on the table, and my husband and daughter who need attention, too! I found that a bath relaxes him, and gives us some one on one time, so he's better the rest of the night. Good luck!

    I came by to welcome you to SITS! We're happy to have you with us!

  5. How old is she?

    I learned that I had to put mine down and walk away sometimes.

    Stopping by to welcome you to SITS!
