

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Update: Malia is starting to get a little more independent thank you so much for your advice I will let you know when things get lots better :)!

The Beginning: Malia started to teeth at 3 months old. I know everyone tells me oh she was probably just fussy not teething. I thought this was strange to so I was at the dentist for an appointment when she was 3 months old and I had him take a look. He told me that she was in fact teething and not just teething but teething her canines (this is unusual I would have had no idea). He told me that she probably wouldn't have any teeth cut in for a long time but that they would go up and down in her gums. So every once and awhile we will have a bad teething day.

Recently: We have had more and more bad teething days. When Malia has a bad teething day she gets a little fever ( no higher than 100) and she bites her fingers and anything else she can. She gets really clingy and sleepy. Well we went to the doctor a few weeks ago to check her weight and he looked at her teeth and said now her two middle teeth on top and bottom are starting to come down. But STILL NO TEETH ACTUALLY OUT!. I keep hoping to see that little tooth pop through just so she can have some relief from this misery. Poor Girl.

Here is to hoping that a little tooth will come through soon and also that when that tooth comes she doesn't bite when she is nursing :).


  1. Oh sheesh. Teething is a pain. My son broke two teeth at once. Then a couple weeks later FOUR TEETH at once. Poor baby. I remember when my wisdom teeth came in... THEY hurt!
    (my review and giveaway blog!)
    (my personal blog!)

  2. I hope she's feeling better soon, but the teething process seems to go on forever!!! Hang in there. Try some irish whiskey. For both of you. :)

    Thanks for being a wonderful part of my SITS day, it means the world to me!

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner?
