

Monday, May 3, 2010

My House Is A Toy Box

The Picture From My Eyes: When I get up for the day and start doing my daily chores I feel like my house could eat me alive for breakfast some mornings. I always keep my home fairly clean, clean enough that I could have people stop by with out being embarrassed. In my mind I look around and know that I haven't cleaned the cupboards in months, I need to vacuum, and those dishes in the sink might as well be touching the ceiling they look so overwhelming. One day I was standing looking at my house and feeling overwhelmed.

I all the sudden hear Malia squeal for excitement I turn to see her pulling herself up to stand on her bouncer chair! I then remember something my Father In-Law told me while I was pregnant. "Your house will be a toy box, and that's ok!"

So today that is my motto "My house is a toy box and that's ok because I would rather be playing with my little girl".


  1. Yep! Your father in law had it right! You'll learn how to adapt, though. We have "decorative storage boxes" everywhere for easy cleanup. The toys are right there, where the kids can easily get to them, but in a place where they can easily be put away.

    My son is 11 months old and the fog has only just lifted for me to feel like i have enough energy to keep up with the dishes. Blah!

    You're right, playing with the babes is more important ;)

    Followed you over from Sits!
