

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Standing Proud

Malia is now pulling herself up to stand on everything and I MEAN everything. She even walked her hands up the wall and stood against the wall this morning. She doesn't even need an edge to pull herself up on now!

My baby learns everything so fast. She doesn't slowly start to try to pull herself up and have attempt after attempt. She shows no interest in this activity at all until one day HOORAY she does it perfect the first time. I can't believe how many milestones she has reached now!

Now with this new accomplishment comes its own little challenges. So this is a warning to all you new moms out there that every time they learn something new you need to adjust how you do things and I mean every time.

#1: She has forgotten how to nap.

Normally I put Malia down for a nap start her music and walk out of the room she cries for like 5 minutes and then she is out. Now that she has learned to pull herself up she stands on the side of her crib and cries for about ten minutes and then sits down. Then about 5 minutes later she gets back up and stands and cries and cries. (Poor girl)

#2: The Joys of Shopping
Now that Malia has become more mobile shopping has become a challenge. We were a Walmart today looking for mothers day cards ( Which by the way is really stressful remind me to tell you later). She decided to start exploring the cart. She was sitting in the car all strapped in and I am reading card after card. I glance over at Malia to make sure she is alright and to my surprise she had just finished turning herself around in her seat and she is attempting to stand she has the seat belt on so this is not possible but she sure tried. This scared me and I am trying to think of a solution to my shopping cart problems. I will let you know if I find one.

#3: Play Time

I used to just let malia crawl around downstairs and play I watched her of course but I did not have to be like a hawk. I now have to hover over her as she tries to climb the stairs. Which she did successfully get up one stair yesterday. Go Malia! This cuts my time down to about an hour a day to get all of my chores done.

So here is to milestones and adjusting your parenting technique.


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