

Saturday, May 22, 2010

100% Calm Tomorrow Not Today

So for those of you who have been following for a while you all know that Malia is a small baby.
Her 9 month doctors appointment was yesterday. I was a little nervous all day thinking all of the things the doctor would tell me.

"We will have to admit her for failure to thrive" (This actually happened to a baby around her age for only being 13 pounds and that was the only thing wrong. There was no develop mental problems just weight.)

"She doesn't weigh enough we will have to run some tests" (Which I know isn't a big deal moms have to deal with a lot worse. I think the thing that would kill me is waiting to see if something is wrong with her.)

So by the time I reached the doctor I was on edge. Over the last couple of months I have been trying to reassure myself. Tyler was 18 pounds at three this is normal. Then I would see other babies the same age as her and they are triple her size! Then other moms would say (as they hold their 20 pound babies) she is just fine I would never worry about that.

So we got there nervous stomachs and everything. We continued to wait in the waiting room for 45 min! (My doctor is a chatty one which I like when I am seeing him not while I am waiting for him). So when we finally went back they weighed her. Her weight at 4 months was 12 lbs 9 oz at 6 months it was still 12 lbs 9 oz. She now weighs 13 lbs 14 oz! I felt a small victorious cheer go on in my stomach.

We then waited for the doctor I was feeling good about myself I mean she had gained weight thats all we needed. So the doctor comes in "She needs to gain more weight." We are now back on nursing every 3 hours plus solids (packed full of butter) three times a day. She has to go back in 6 weeks for another weight check.

I just can't help but worry, if things were normal I wouldn't have to do this. I know things could be a lot worse but I just wish everything was normal. I am slowly adjusting to the new schedule of nursing alot again and calming down. I plan on being 100% calm about it tomorrow.


  1. Hi There, I am sorry for all the worries. But if weight is what you need, try one bottle of formula a day before bed time and maybe put a little cereal in it. I know that if you are a mommy that goes by the book in everything that is totally against the rules. But my baby was not eating solids at all, and was not doing good on weight thing. So My dr. Whom I love suggested putting it in the bottle. A mother's milk is great and will give the nutrients they need. But sometimes it is very lean and will not make baby gain weight after they are a little older. I am not telling you what to do. Just a sugestion that worked with us.
