I decided to try to make chocolate bowls last night so we could have ice cream in chocolate bowls for family night. It was easy in theory you blow up ballons and dip them in chocolate.
Then after the chocolate had dried you pop the ballons and the chocolate bowl is left. Well that did not happen for me (yes I am sharing a failure instead of a tutorial). I only got one bowl to actually leave the ballon. When I popped the ballons in the first batch (yes I had to do 2 batches) The bowls popped with them! lol no more bowls left. So then I did it again and I tried to remove the bowls with out popping the ballons I got one off successfully! (Go me!) So anyway I think it was because my ballons were not the long skinny thin kind so I will try again and let you guys know how it goes.
My lone survivor
Just keep trying its fun even when you don't succeed!!
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